February 28, 2008

It's Done!

I finished my purple shawl this morning! I bought some yarn last night on my way home from church, and finished it earlier today, despite my aching fingers. My Mom really likes it, so I may end up making one for her. It was very easy, and once I switched over to the bamboo needles, it went even faster. Definitely use circulars for this project. I had to change needles partway through because I had too many stitches for my straight needles. If anyone's interested, the pattern is available here.


Sarah said...

Oh Sarah it's beautiful!! I'd NEVER have the patience to FINISH something like that - I'd start and it would sit in the closet for ten years in a half-completed state. :) I'm printing out the pattern though. It's lovely, lovely.

Sarah said...

Sarah- It was very simple to knit, and went really fast. I didn't realize you had a blog, but I'll be checking it out soon. :)