April 10, 2008

April Awareness Ribbon

I chose cancer awareness for April because my Father has cancer. It is a blood cancer called Multiple Myleloma, and there is no cure for it. He is currently undergoing his second round of chemo treatments that will hopefully put it back into remission.

A short blurb from the page linked at the beginning of my post:

"All Americans can reduce their risk of developing cancer by following healthy eating habits, exercising regularly, avoiding tobacco and excessive use of alcohol, and controlling their weight. By scheduling regular physicals, getting preventive health screenings, and being aware of their family history, individuals who do develop cancer can increase the likelihood that it will be discovered at an earlier and more treatable stage. I encourage all our citizens to talk to their doctors and learn more about preventive measures that can save lives."

Living a healthy lifestyle is not always easy in America, with all the fast food, frozen dinners, sweets, and salty snacks we consume. When I first started working on controlling my weight, I took little steps, instead of making huge changes all at once. First, I cut out desserts. Then I stopped snacking between meals, and kept a food journal of everything I ate. As a result, I have lost 8 pounds and most of my craving for sweets - I still enjoy them, but they are a treat, not a snack. Lately my eating habits have deteriorated, but with the arrival of Spring and a wonderful veggie garden, things should be improving again. So, if you don't have the healthiest lifestyle in the world, don't try to change it all at once, set one goal at a time, and be realistic about it. Don't set a goal that will take months to accomplish, or goals that you can't accomplish in a reasonable amount of time.

Stay Healthy!

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