December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had a great day! I managed to finish all the presents, except for the ones that need to be mailed. For one I need Mom to do some machine embroidery, 3 are crocheted, and one is sewn. I'm almost done with the first crocheted gift. The rest should go quickly, since they're all the same pattern. The sewing project is in four parts, and I have 2 nearly finished, one cut out, and one ready to cut out.
Over the weekend I will be helping my sister and her fiance do some painting, and after the painting is done, I'll get back to finishing up these gifts!

Did you get all your gifts done in time for Christmas?

Every Christmas day, before we check out stockings or open presents my Dad reads the Christmas story. It is a great reminder that Christmas is not about the presents we receive or give each other. Christmas is about the gift God gave us when He sent His son to take human form and live on the earth. As you write notes thanking others for their gifts, take a moment to thank God for His gift.
Merry Christmas!

December 13, 2009

Sewing Projects

No, I haven't fallen off the blogosphere! I've been working on the gifts that I should have started two months ago. Two months ago I had no idea what to make for people. Now I have three crochet projects, 2 sewing, one quilling, and whatever else I'm forgetting. Here are a couple things that I sewed before I started the mad scramble to finish Christmas presents.
A pillow:

An iron pad: